Hawaiian at Home

Letʻs agree on whatʻs most important

Letʻs agree on whatʻs most important

This is a unique journey that my family is on, hopefully one day it wonʻt be, but right now it is. The resources I share, I make and share because...

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Letʻs agree on whatʻs most important

This is a unique journey that my family is on, hopefully one day it wonʻt be, but right now it is. The resources I share, I make and share because...

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The Vortex of "Yes"s

The Vortex of "Yes"s

Can we talk about the vortex of life that we get trapped in sometimes? I mean the slippery slopes of "yes"s that start so harmlessly before progressing you into a...

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The Vortex of "Yes"s

Can we talk about the vortex of life that we get trapped in sometimes? I mean the slippery slopes of "yes"s that start so harmlessly before progressing you into a...

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He called me puka teeth as a kid.

He called me puka teeth as a kid.

I didn't grow up speaking Hawaiian fluently, but one word I knew from a young age was "puka" cause my dad used to call me "puka teeth". I was missing...

He called me puka teeth as a kid.

I didn't grow up speaking Hawaiian fluently, but one word I knew from a young age was "puka" cause my dad used to call me "puka teeth". I was missing...

Healing a World in Pain

Healing a World in Pain

This has been a crazy year so far. With every event we hear, with every video we se of what people are experiencing all over the world, we are forced...


Healing a World in Pain

This has been a crazy year so far. With every event we hear, with every video we se of what people are experiencing all over the world, we are forced...

How to make your mom or wife happy

How to make your mom or wife happy

When it comes to a happy home you have to have a happy queen bee! These are the words and phrases associated with straightening up the house. I know we donʻt...


How to make your mom or wife happy

When it comes to a happy home you have to have a happy queen bee! These are the words and phrases associated with straightening up the house. I know we donʻt...

We Hear You - Holoi Pā

We Hear You - Holoi Pā

Something I have struggled with in all this - scratch that - in life, is consistency! Now in some ways I do feel consistent because I am always trying to learn...


We Hear You - Holoi Pā

Something I have struggled with in all this - scratch that - in life, is consistency! Now in some ways I do feel consistent because I am always trying to learn...